Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Robert D. Wilson - On Hokku as a writer.

More and more good hokku produced. It means Don and Robert are great and dedicated teachers as well as that their disciplines are great and dedicated learners. Bravo!
  • You, Sandi Pray, Don Baird and 7 others like this.
  • Dalvir Gill if Buddha was right in saying,"When the student is ready, teacher appears," then it was meant to be so, I'm working hard to be a student who is ready ( to learn ).
  • Don Baird We have a great group of people here studying in the most sincere way to improve their hokku poetics and skills. When we started, our intention was to simply exchange hokku - read and write, so to speak. But, it became clear that most folks didn't fully understand hokku (in particular, Basho style). We had to gradually switch up the way the group works and also ask Robert if he was interested in helping out. It was a bit of a dust-up for a stretch there, but seems to be smoothing out much more now - now that we're up to speed with the new format of study group/workshop. We're not a forum. We're a guided workshop for those who want to learn more about stand alone hokku ... in particular the poetics/aesthetics of hokku with zoka being the central feature.

    Thanks everyone for your sincerity and efforts. I greatly appreciate the intense work you are doing and am enjoying the poems as "we all improve".
  • Deborah Barbour Lundy Don, you and Robert are very much appreciated by this student in particular. Your generosity with both your time and knowledge shows the passion you share for this form. I am grateful to be included in your classroom.
  • Robert D. Wilson The day we think we have mastered hokku is the day we begin to stagnate as hokku poets. Don and I are blessed to have workshop participants who value our skills and are here to learn with open arms. We salute you. We are the antithesis of a communal slap each other on the back, mutual admiration society. We want you to be the best. That means we must give you our best. That is a huge responsibility BUT you are worth it. I have been told that I come across as gruff and possibly terse. I am in person, quite warm, and supportive. I am, however, sure of what I teach, and as such, push benevolently, and because of the time constraints and other constraints present due to long distant, non-interactive in the flesh/zero eye contact, I teach with quick admonitions. I make no apologies for this. Don and I view this workshop as a gift we give to you from our hearts for free. There are no fees, neither of us have the audacity to charge for our services. We do this without ego. We do this because we have been touched by and infected with a love for Basho's hokku.

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