‘Poetry without rules is like a tennis match without a net’
- Robert Frost
Haiku without rules is like a tennis match without a ball!
Haiku is a three-line nature-orientated poem expressing poet’s direct experience of something, description of background/surroundings, and an original and deep thought based on it.
The form of 5-7-5 can be used but is not essential.
No title should be given to a haiku.
Make sure your haiku consists of two distinctive parts, and not of one or three!
Time: use verbs only in the present or past continuous tenses.
Avoid end rhyme.
Avoid using capital letters and punctuation marks, unless you really have to.
Avoid turning your haiku into an aphorism or an epigram.
Avoid direct metaphors.
Use only common language.
~ Irish Haiku Society
- Robert Frost
Haiku without rules is like a tennis match without a ball!
Haiku is a three-line nature-orientated poem expressing poet’s direct experience of something, description of background/surroundings, and an original and deep thought based on it.
The form of 5-7-5 can be used but is not essential.
No title should be given to a haiku.
Make sure your haiku consists of two distinctive parts, and not of one or three!
Time: use verbs only in the present or past continuous tenses.
Avoid end rhyme.
Avoid using capital letters and punctuation marks, unless you really have to.
Avoid turning your haiku into an aphorism or an epigram.
Avoid direct metaphors.
Use only common language.
~ Irish Haiku Society
- Amarjit Sathi Tiwana, Jagraj Singh Norway, Rajinder Singh Ghumman and 3 others like this.
- Dalvir Gill i never said that there aren't any followers or drill masters. you know let it go..........
- Dalvir Gill veerji, i use to run to basho in support of my haiku under attack. but now will just repost my previous comments. ALL SIMILIES ARE LAME, keep in mind, tennis game is not haiku, haiku is no tennis game. what i can pick from the write up is,"HAIKU IS A TENNIS MATCH WITHOUT THE BALL,THE NET AND THE PLAYER." yesterday elaine gave me,"HAIKU IS MUSIC WITHOUT NOTATIONS." ( IT'S A TEAR WITHOUT EYES ) ican go on.... i'll call you on two threads, please read what went on there.
- Dalvir Gill Dalvir Gill ( to Gabi, when she took a line out of context, added 4-5 questions, calling by thing as "boasting" of a 'rule-breaker', she understood this attraction towards "rule-breaking" ) ::: ........ .....there are always going to be people worshiping 'purity' of the rules and 'finding' rules. so, i always will have some 'rules'. you are even going to write down some for "Zen". they are going to be as valuable for me as "haiku rules" are. i'd rather talk to basho because YOU DON'T TALK TO INDIAN WHEN YOU ARE WITH THE CHIEF.
Saturday at 8:25pm · Like -
Jagjit Sandhu But tennis match without net is a greater fun. My student would get to play baseball with no rules. except for violence.
Monday at 4:06am · Edited · Unlike · 1
Jagjit Sandhu and by the way what do Irish know about haiku? Its Japanese with a consciousness of Indian subcontinent
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