Gabi Greve "Dalvir Gill i always try to break as many rules as possible and try to use most of the "donot's""
Gabi Greve
"Dalvir Gill :
i always try to break as many rules as possible and try to use most of the "donot's""
I found that part of the attraction of haiku to poets outside of Japan.
If there were no rules to break, it would just be a "short poem" and no one could boast of "breaking the rules".
It does not take much to "break the rules", but
it takes a lot of work to find
"freedom within the rules" (of writing haiku).
Introducing Haiku Poets and Topics . . . . . WKD: Rules for haiku Freedom Individualism
Introducing Haiku Poets, Famous People, Places and Haiku TopicsA project of the World Kigo Database.This is an educational site for reference purposes of haiku poets worldwide.Dr. Gabi Greve, Japan, Daruma Museum.
Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · Saturday at 5:15pm
Sandip Sital Chauhan, Elaine Andre and Karen Cesar like this.
Elaine Andre This mindset of 'breaking rules' is portrayed in kabuki theatre as the young rowdy halberd bearer, Yakko, who may dress in women's clothes, paint his face or carry on just about any loud or drunken behavior for attention or to intimidate. He represents the follies of youth and misuse of personal power: Saturday at 8:16pm · Edited · Like
Dalvir Gill there are always going to be people worshiping 'purity' of the rules and 'finding' rules. so, i always will have some 'rules'. you are even going to write down some for "Zen". they are going to be as valuable for me as "haiku rules" are. i'd rather talk to basho because YOU DON'T TALK TO INDIAN WHEN YOU ARE WITH THE CHIEF.
Saturday at 8:25pm · Like
Elaine Andre You are the one who's talking about rules and breaking rules; it's your issue.
Thought you'd like the theatrical image... Saturday at 8:27pm · Edited · Like
Dalvir Gill "there are rules to live life and to write haiku" i don't think that way. according to S. Swaran Singh the first and foremost 'rule' for a haizen is that he must be a humble person, full of humality. i don't believe i'll ever break that rule.
Saturday at 8:34pm · Like · 1
Dalvir Gill by the time counted / 5-7-5 / storm gone.
Saturday at 8:35pm · Like · 1
Dalvir Gill Elaine responding to Gabi's post for you can you imagine living a life where is no discipline. since i was 13, never known anything like that. i remember saying those words to Arvinder and now here as if that's my rule. i observe ( without inferring ) what am not interested in Gabi or Elaine's "methodolgy". otherway around with you, like all things are bound to be, you will approach anyone just to form a data that how one works, the rules one follow, the execution .......... i know western-style what how can you know eastern one when you fail to see any different life, you deny the very existence of.
Saturday at 8:42pm · Like
Bee Jay It's fine to break the rules Dalvir. So when you post a haiku, I hope you don't mind me asking which rules you have broken. Would that be ok with you?
Saturday at 8:49pm · Like
Dalvir Gill elaine you were there when we were talking this on arvinder's 'scattered dreams on pebbled space' where this 'statement' comes, and i stand by it. i'm not starting a new thing, since 1960's people have been doing that. i didn't like what Shiki did to Haiku, so i wont read him, not that i'll start publishing books about his 'treason'. i don't follow the belief that rules can be made and then people can be made to follow them. if that was the truth there be only one dynasty of Emperors. life is all the rules i follow, are written under the 'about' tab, expound on it.
Saturday at 8:50pm · Like
Elaine Andre OK, then you've likely concluded your thoughts on the topic. Did you like Yakko?
You could quote me on this, though:
"Form Follows Fiasco" Saturday at 8:53pm · Edited · Like
Dalvir Gill i don't even know what kinda bagel this yakko or zapata is. i never label things. Bee Jay, just to talk on your question gabi grabbed a line and provided with a context. life and it's activities aren't to things. BJ, here is where this "statement" comes from ( and for the second time, if you want to talk about them then the 'about' of the group is the place. and check how many from Jane's list one still stick to, with a religious fervor ), i was calming the anxiety of arvinder, lucky for me, Robert Johnston came to rescue, instead of having a convo with him, gabi provided us the chance to have this chit-chat. )
Saturday at 9:00pm · Like
Dalvir Gill Gabi, you & Elaine share this problem. don't make it a problem. open up to life, all encompassing. if it is always gonna bother you then try to understand that some one can feel as bad when Haiku is pulled out of the realms of Zen, non duality, Tao, Tantra . my problem is when Haiku is made hhigher than god and i'm made to be on knees all the time worshiping those rules. i don't follow any rules. i surrendered, all is right for me gabi, elaine, robert, blyth, jane welsh or dick. i don't want to suggest them that what ever i have figured is right and for them to follow. you don't need rules to 'write' haiku but you do to "teach" haiku. i'm not teaching haiku, you guys are. that's why
(cut paste from arvinder's "scattered dreams" ) Saturday at 9:27pm · Like
Bee Jay haiku is a label.
Saturday at 9:37pm · Unlike · 1

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